Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Learning Objective - 11/9(T)
Students will begin taking the test that naturalized citizens must take.  The goal of this exercise is for the students to put themselves in the shoes of those who have a desire to become citizens.

Extra Credit - 11/9(T)
1. Which governor said that smoking pot was no big deal?
2. What proposition related to the legalization of marijuana failed in California?
3. What show did the comments take place on?
4. What law did the governor recently sign related to marijuana?
5. How did the governor feel about the proposition about the legalization of marijuana?
6. What percentage supported the proposition?
7. What are two primary arguments for legalizing it?
8. What are two main arguments against legalizing marijuana?
9. What is the federal government's current view on the subject?
10. What do you think?