Thursday, November 4, 2010


Assignments Due - 11/5(F):
1. Chapter 13 Homework
2. Current Event - Politics
3. Election Assignment

Learning Objective - 11/5(F)
Students will review the concepts and ideas presented this week in class by taking an assessment and going over that assessment.  Specifically, students will review the 2010 General Election and requirements to become a U.S. Citizen.

Extra Credit - 11/5(F)
1. How close was the bomb to exploding?
2. Where is the bomb?
3. Where was the bomb sent from?
4. What was the destination for the packages?
5. How were the bombs hidden?
6. What failed bombing took place last December?
7. How much PETN did the bombs contain?
8. When were the Crusades fought?
9. What is the TSA responsible for?
10. How many people did French authorities arrest in October related to terrorism?