Thursday, September 30, 2010


Learning Objective - 9/30(TH)
Students will understand the importance of having  the right to a speedy trial, what that is interpreted to mean today, and why in some cases trials take so long.

Assignments Due Tomorrow - 10/1(F)
1. Chapter 7 Homework
2. Current Event (World)
3. Free Speech Essay

Extra Credit - 9/30(TH)
1. What is the Inland Empire number one in?
2. What was the primary criteria for this study?
3. Who conducted this research?
4. What is the current unemployment rate in the Inland Empire?
5. Which area was the leader last month?
6. What is the current unemployment trend nation wide?
7. In how many areas was the unemployment rate higher?
8. In how many areas was the unemployment rate the same?
9. How many areas of California have an unemployment rate of at least 15%?
10. What was the national unemployment rate in August?  How does that compare with a year before?